Youth Action Diversity Trust

YADT Drama Courses
Drama Practical Skills: Improvisation Course (11 to 18 years)
Our AQA Level 2 accredited course provides the young people with an opportunity to learn new drama techniques in a fun and vibrant way! The course runs in workshop based classes designed to develop improvisational techniques. It aims to give students experience and skill of the different aspects of improvisation in a safe and stimulating environment.
For details on the next course and for all fees, please contact YADT on 02083083862

Drama Performance Course (10 to 18 years)
Our AQA Level 2 accredited course enables the young people to learn in a dynamic way. The participants are taken through the drama production process and are able to express their creativity in a safe and stimulating environment. The course is designed to work towards a final performance by developing performance techniques!
For details on the next course and for all fees, please contact YADT on 02083083862
Drama Practical Skills: Mime Course (11 to 18 years)
Our AQA Level 2 accredited course provides the young people with a unique experience. This course explores the origins of mime and its place in the theatre today, whilst encouraging the young people to explore the traditional techniques and art of mime to develop their use of body language and movement skills.
For details on the next course and for all fees, please contact YADT on 02083083862
*For more information about any of our courses please contact the Centre Office
on 020 8308 3862 or email North Cray Neighbourhood Centre using our Contact page.